Custom Water Flow Layers


Even when prospecting in the desert, it is important to understand how the water moves. As water flows it moves gold with it. Prospectors search for the place where the gold dropped.

Each FootPrint comes with two Custom Water Layers to help you find that spot.

Both of these Map Layers are uniquely created by MinerDiggins and are not available from any other source.




The Flow layer shows you where the water flows in flood. The darker the blue, the more water moves through the area.

Studying the Flow Layer can show you where the gold is most likely to have accumulated.

It gives you a good visualization of the complete water flow, showing you gulches and depressions that you may have overlooked.

You may be able to see that "Honey Hole" on the other side of the hill that no one has yet prospected!




The Wetness Layer shows us where water is most likely to accumulate.

The green areas, indicated by the wetness layer, retain moisture and are the last areas to dry out.

The ambitious drywasher would be well advised to avoid working these damp areas